Revision resources

Paper 1

C1 Atomic structure


C1.1 Atoms p4

C1.2 Chemical equations p6

C1.3 Separating mixtures p8

C1.4 Fractional distillation and paper chromatography p10

C1.5 History of the atom p12

C1.6 Structure of the atom p14

C1.7 Ions, atoms, and isotopes p16

C1.8 Electronic structures p18

CGP revision guide p 173 – 190 

C2 The periodic table


C2.1 Development of the periodic table p22

C2.2 Electronic structures and the periodic table p24

C2.3 Group 1 – the alkali metals p26

C2.4 Group 7 – the halogens p28

C2.5 Explaining trends p30

CGP revision guide p 191 - 201

C3 Structure and bonding


C3.1 States of matter p34

C3.2 Atoms into ions p36

C3.3 Ionic bonding p38

C3.4 Giant ionic structures p40

C3.5 Covalent bonding p42

C3.6 Structure of simple molecules p44

C3.7 Giant covalent structures p46

C3.8 Fullerenes and graphene p48

C3.9 Bonding in metals p50

C3.10 Giant metallic structures p52

CGP revision guide p 202 - 221

C4 Chemical calculations


C4.1 Relative masses and moles p56

C4.2 Equations and calculations p58

C4.3 From masses to balanced equations p60

C4.4 Expressing concentrations p62

CGP revision guide p 222 - 230

C5 Chemical changes


C5.1 The reactivity series p68

C5.2 Displacement reactions p70

C5.3 Extracting metals p72

C5.4 Salts from metals p74

C5.5 Salts from insoluble bases p76

C5.6 Making more salts p78

C5.7 Neutralisation and the pH scale p80

C5.8 Strong and weak acids p82 

CGP revision guide p 231 - 241

C6 Electrolysis


C6.1 Introduction to electrolysis p86

C6.2 Changes at the electrodes p88

C6.3 The extraction of aluminium p90

C6.4 Electrolysis of aqueous solutions p92

CGP revision guide p 242 - 246

C7 Energy energy


C7.1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions p96

C7.2 Using energy transfers from reactions p98

C7.3 Reaction profiles p100

C7.4 Bond energy calculations p102

CGP revision guide p 247 - 252

P1 Required Practicals

RP Making salts

RP Electrolysis

RP Temperature changes


Paper 2

Please, note that paper 2 can include questions from: 

C1 Atomic structure p4

C2 The periodic table p22

C3 Structure and bonding p34

C4 Chemical calculations p56

C8 Rates and equilibrium


C8.1 Rate of reaction p108

C8.2 Collision theory and surface area p110

C8.3 The effect of temperature p112

C8.4 The effect of concentration or pressure p114

C8.5 The effect of catalysts p116

C8.6 Reversible reactions p118

C8.7 Energy and reversible reactions p120

C8.8 Dynamic equilibrium p122

C8.9 Altering conditions p 124

CGP revision guide p 253 - 266

C9 Crude oil and fuels


C9.1 Hydrocarbons p128

C9.2 Fractional distillation of oil p130

C9.3 Burning hydrocarbon fuels p132

C9.4 Cracking hydrocarbons p134

CGP revision guide p 267 - 272

C10  Chemical analysis


C10.1 Pure substances and mixtures p140

C10.2 Analysing chromatograms p142

C10.3 Testing for gases p144

CGP revision guide p 273 - 277

C11 The Earth's atmosphere


C11.1 History of our atmosphere p148

C11.2 Our evolving atmosphere p150

C11.3 Greenhouse gases p152

C11.4 Global climate change p154

C11.5 Atmospheric pollutants p156

CGP revision guide p 278 - 285

C12 The Earth's resources


C12.1 Finite and renewable resources p160

C12.2 Water safe to drink p162

C12.3 Treating waste water p164

C12.4 Extracting metals from ores p166

C12.5 Life cycle assessments p168

C12.6 Reduce, reuse, recycle p170

CGP revision guide p 286 - 296

P2 Required Practicals

RP Rates of reaction

RP Chromatography

RP Water purification
