Revision Resources
Topics assessed in either paper:
•• Cell biology and Meiosis.
•• Sexual and asexual reproduction.
•• Photosynthetic reaction and Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
•• Metabolism.
•• How materials are cycled.
Paper 1
B1 Cell structure and Transport
B1.1 The world of the microscope 4
B1.2 Animal and plant cells 6
B1.3 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells 8
B1.4 Specialisation in animal cells 10
B1.5 Specialisation in plant cells 12
B1.6 Diffusion 14
B1.7 Osmosis 16
B1.8 Osmosis in plants 18
B1.9 Active transport 20
B1.10 Exchanging materials 22
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B1 Required Practicals
RP Microscopy
RP Osmosis
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B2 Cell division
B2.1 Cell division 26
B2.2 Growth and differentiation 28
B2.3 Stem cells 30
B2.4 Stem cell dilemmas 32
B3 Organisation and digestive system
B3.1 Tissues and organs 36
B3.2 The human digestive system 38
B3.3 The chemistry of food 40
B3.4 Catalysts and enzymes 42
B3.5 Factors affecting enzyme action 44
B3.6 How the digestive system works 46
B3.7 Making digestion efficient 48
B3 Required Practicals
RP Food tests
RP Amylase
B4 Organising animals and plants
B4.1 The blood 52
B4.2 The blood vessels 54
B4.3 The heart 56
B4.4 Helping the heart 58
B4.5 Breathing and gas exchange 60
B4.6 Tissues and organs in plants 62
B4.7 Transport systems in plants 64
B4.8 Evaporation and transpiration 66
B4.9 Factors affecting transpiration 68
B5 Communicable diseases
B5.1 Health and disease 74
B5.2 Pathogens and disease 76
*B5.3 Growing bacteria in the lab 78
*B5.4 Preventing bacterial growth 80
B5.5 Preventing infections 82
B5.6 Viral diseases 84
B5.7 Bacterial diseases 86
B5.8 Diseases caused by fungi and protists 88
B5.9 Human defence responses 90
*B5.10 More about plant diseases 92
*B5.11 Plant defence mechanisms 94
B5 Required Practical
RP Culturing bacteria
B6 Preventing and treating diseases
B6.1 Vaccination 98
B6.2 Antibiotics and painkillers 100
B6.3 Discovering drugs 102
B6.4 Developing drugs 104
*B6.5 Making monoclonal antibodies 106
*B6.6 Uses of monoclonal antibodies 108
B7 Non-communicable diseases
B7.1 Non-communicable diseases 112
B7.2 Cancer 114
B7.3 Smoking and the risk of disease 116
B7.4 Diet, exercise, and disease 118
B7.5 Alcohol and other carcinogens 120
B8 Photosynthesis
B8.1 Photosynthesis 124
B8.2 The rate of photosynthesis 126
B8.3 How plants use glucose 128
B8.4 Making the most of photosynthesis 130
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B8 Required Practical
RP Photosynthesis
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B9 Respiration
B9.1 Aerobic respiration 134
B9.2 The response to exercise 136
B9.3 Anaerobic respiration 138
B9.4 Metabolism and the liver 140
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Paper 2
B10 The human nervous system
B10.1 Principles of homeostasis 146
B10.2 The structure and function of the human nervous system 148
B10.3 Reflex actions 150
*B10.4 The brain 152
*B10.5 The eye 154
*B10.6 Common problems of the eye 156
B10 Required Practical
RP Reaction time
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B11 Hormonal coordination
B11.1 Principles of hormonal control 160
B11.2 The control of blood glucose levels 162
B11.3 Treating diabetes 164
B11.4 The role of negative feedback 166
B11.5 Human reproduction 168
B11.6 Hormones and the menstrual cycle 170
B11.7 The artificial control of fertility 172
B11.8 Infertility treatments 174
*B11.9 Plant hormones and responses 176
*B11.10 Using plant hormones 178
B11 Homeostasis and hormones - topic based questions
B11 Controlling blood glucose level - topic based questions 1
B11 Controlling blood glucose level - topic based questions 2
B11 Diabetes - topic based questions 1
B11 Diabetes - topic based questions 2
B11 The menstrual cycle - topic based questions 1
B11 Controlling fertility - topic based questions 1
B11 Controlling fertility - topic based questions 2
B11 Required Practical
RP Plant hormones
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B12 Homeostasis in actions
*B12.1 Controlling body temperature 182
*B12.2 Removing waste products 184
*B12.3 The human kidney 186
*B12.4 Dialysis – an artificial kidney 188
*B12.5 Kidney transplants 190
B13 Reproduction
B13.1 Types of reproduction 196
B13.2 Cell division in sexual reproduction 198
*B13.3 The best of both worlds 200
B13.4 DNA and the genome 202
*B13.5 DNA structure and protein synthesis 204
*B13.6 Gene expression and mutation 206
B13.7 Inheritance in action 208
B13.8 More about genetics 210
B13.9 Inherited disorders 212
B13.10 Screening for genetic disorders 214
B14 Variation and Evolution
B14.1 Variation 218
B14.2 Evolution by natural selection 220
B14.3 Selective breeding 222
B14.4 Genetic engineering 224
*B14.5 Cloning 226
*B14.6 Adult cell cloning 228
B14.7 Ethics of genetic technologies 230
B15 Genetics and Evolution
*B15.1 The history of genetics 234
*B15.2 Theories of evolution 236
*B15.3 Accepting Darwin's ideas 238
*B15.4 Evolution and speciation 240
B15.5 Evidence for evolution 242
B15.6 Fossils and extinction 244
B15.7 More about extinction 246
B15.8 Antibiotic resistant bacteria 248
B15.9 Classification 250
B15.10 New systems of classification 252
B16 Adaptations, interdependence and competition
B16.1 The importance of communities 258
B16.2 Organisms in their environment 260
B16.3 Distribution and abundance 262
B16.4 Competition in animals 264
B16.5 Competition in plants 266
B16.6 Adapt and survive 268
B16.7 Adaptation in animals 270
B16.8 Adaptation in plants 272
B16 Required Practical
RP Distribution of plants
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B17 Organising an ecosystem
*B17.1 Feeding relationships 276
B17.2 Materials cycling 278
B17.3 The carbon cycle 280
*B17.4 Rates of decomposition 282
B17 Required Practical
RP Decay
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B18 Biodiversity and ecosystem
B18.1 The human population explosion 286
B18.2 Land and water pollution 288
B18.3 Air pollution 290
B18.4 Deforestation and peat destruction 292
B18.5 Global warming 294
*B18.6 The impact of change 296
B18.7 Maintaining biodiversity 298
*B18.8 Trophic levels and biomass 300
*B18.9 Biomass transfers 302
*B18.10 Factors affecting food security 304
*B18.11 Making food production efficient 306
*B18.12 Sustainable food production 308